Welcome to our FAQ collection ⁉️
Here you'll find the growing collection of frequently asked questions from our courses and webinars. If you have a question not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What happens to my state pension, when you move countries?
- Your state pension usually remains in the country you worked in
- Within Europe, you'll generaly claim the state pension in the last country you live in at the time when you retire, this country then will coordinate with the others
- Please check out this helpful article
- For a quick overview how it works, check out this 2 min video
What happens to my employer pension and my pillar 3a if I move outside of Switzerland?
Your employer pension:
- Moving outside of EU/EFTA: you can cash it an take it with you
- Moving inside EU/EFA: transfer to an escrow account, you can take it out to pay for independence
Your pillar 3a:
- You can ask to have the 3a paid out and take it with you, or,
- You can hold it at a retirement foundation in Switzerland
When can you not pay into the AHV when you work abroad?
- When you move abroad, you need to apply for the voluntary AHV proactively
- There are certain restrictions as from some countries (e.g. non-EFTA states with no special contracts in place) you cannot contribute to the AHV
- There are special regulations by country. Best course of action is to check in with the AHV before you leave
- Resources: Leaving Switzerland moving to an EU or EFTA member state, Leaving Switzerland to a country with which Switzerland has no social security agreement
Can I pay more than the annual maximal amount into my pillar 3a?
Unfortunately you cannot pay more than the annual maximal amount into your pillar 3a. If you pay too much, then you get a receipt from the tax authorities and are asked to take the excess amount out again.
When can I take my pillar 3a money out?
The 3a money can be taken out 5 years before your official retirement age, e.g. when you turn 60.
It also can be taken out before the official age bracket for one of the following:
- Financing of a property you live in or pay-back of the mortgage for the property
- In case of invalidity or death
- When you leave Switzerland (certain conditions)
- When you go independent and start your own business
More to come! 😊
More questions and answers will be published here soon. Don't hesitate to send us your question to team@smartpurse.ch - we look forward to it!
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